Advanced Lightwire Functional (ALF) – 2- Day Seminar – Sydney (March 2023)
January 19, 2023
|By admin
- March 24, 2023 - March 25, 2023
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
This course will detail Dr. Darick Nordstrom’s specially designed and developed appliances that are used in conjunction with the ALF philosophy.
The basic concept is to create appliances that do not lock up the maxilla in a block of acrylic. Therefore the appliances are very small and easy for the patient to wear. This permits the cranial sutures to assume their natural posture. The appliances, used in conjunction with cranial manipulations, will allow for a more permanent dental result and aid in the elimination of multiple dysfunctions.
Benefits of the ALF appliance range include:
- Versatility, a method to align teeth without braces or turbo charge orthodontic treatment in conjunction with any bracketing system, see images with Delta Force System.
- Orthopaedic pre-treatment for SmileTRU.
- It addresses alignment of the bones (orthopaedic treatment) using principles of cranial osteopathy delivering fast & effective skeletal arch development.
- It brings about changes in muscle function to achieve stable results.
- Cosmetics – barely visible and excellent patient tolerance.
- Focused on facial development.
- Preserving and improving the airway.
- Enhancing TMJ Health.
- Easy to adjust.
More Information
For more information, please download the brochure below. Click here to download the brochure.
Venue: Four Seasons Hotel - Sydney
Venue Website:
Address:199 George Street, Sydney, NSW, Australia